Hi Andreas,

I don't use/develop under Windows so I can't provide any first hand
guidance.  In principle osgViewer::Viewer and CompositeViewer manage
the rendering and event collection in a very similar way - they both
defer to osgViewer::ViewerBase for the majority of their window
setup/and control.  Due to the similarity I would have expected things
to port across fine, but as you've found out something must being
going wrong - so questions like where and why need to answered,
unfortunately the hard way by interatively doing tests, setting break
points in the code, stepping through etc until we have a clearer

As I can't provide much direct assistance we'll need to call upon
other Windows developers to provide some insight.  Items like stack
trace and the hang point, and ideally an modest code example that
reproduces the problem are what are required to help others help


On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 7:24 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everybody!
>  I have a big app that uses at the moment the osgViewer::Viewer in the 
> classic way. Now I want to integrate a picture in picture so I wrote a demo 
> using the osgViewer::CompositeViewer and it works well.
>  After porting the compositeViewer code to the big app, it stucked at the 
> viewer.frame() call. After a little bit debugging I found the problem at the 
> function setWindowPos used in GraphicsWindowWin32::realizeImplementation(). 
> It looked like that this function can't finish the _unlock() function.
>  My demo runs without any problems on the same computer with the same lines 
> of code and with the same data as input.
>  If I manually call viewer.realize() the window is generated and the 
> simulation runs but it gets no longer any keyboard or mouse inputs... and the 
> hourglass is cracking up. The same happens, if I paste my lines of viewer 
> code into a subclass.
>  Can somebody explain this? Did anybody knows this problem and has an 
> explanation for this weird behavior or did I have to search harder in my 
> code? Using OSG 2.2 on Windoze XP SP2 with VS 2005.
>  Looking forward to get any answers!
>  --
>  Andreas Richter
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