Hi Till,

You could you explain the motivation behind these changes, i.e. what
problem do they solve that is currently limiting your work?  It may
well be another solution to the problems you are solving, or it may be
that are refactor elsewhere or in a differnt form is more appropriate,
but without more information about the problem you are trying to solve
its impossible to know.


On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 11:58 AM, till busch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi all,
>  i'm working on model-paging in flightgear. it works fine so far, but i had to
>  introduce some quirks to get around the limited hooks in PagedLOD and
>  DatabasePager.
>  so i'd like to propose a few changes to PagedLOD and DatabasePager APIs.
>  1. DatabasePager:
>  requestNodeFile (const std::string &fileName, osg::Group *group, float
>  priority, const osg::FrameStamp *framestamp, ReaderWriter::Options
>  *loadOptions)
>  should be published published in osg::NodeVisitor::DatabaseRequestHandler
>  so that loadOptions can be set separately for each PagedLOD.
>  2. PagedLOD:
>  i suggest adding a new virtual function in PagedLOD:
>  requestNodeFile(osg::NodeVisitor::DatabaseRequestHandler *dbrh, const
>  std::string &fileName, osg::Group *group, float priority, const
>  osg::FrameStamp *framestamp).
>  in PagedLOD::traverse(osg::NodeVisitor& nv) this function should be called, 
> so
>  a subclass can modify the call to the
>  DatabaseRequestHandler::requestNodeFile(), as described above.
>  the default implementation could just do what it does now. i.e. call
>  osg::NodeVisitor::DatabaseRequestHandler::requestNodeFile (const std::string
>  &fileName, osg::Group *group, float priority, const osg::FrameStamp
>  *framestamp) with no special loadOptions.
>  3. DatabasePager
>  looking through the archives i have found other people needing a hook in
>  addLoadedDataToSceneGraph().
>  should we add one? i now think i could just as well reimplement
>  PagedLOD::addChild() to see when a new child gets paged in.
>  if you are in support of 1 and 2 i'd be happy to prepare the modified files
>  and send them.
>  cheers,
>  -till
>  p.s. sorry. it is really hard to describe such things with words ;-)
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