Hi Neil,

Which version of the OSG are you working with?  I have just checked
the SVN version of the CmakeLists.txt for ive and OpenFlight plugins
and both correctly list osgSim as part of the list of dependencies.
Unless the build system isn't working this should ensure that the libs
are linked in correctly.

The association with ActiveX is not something I have any expertise in,
but normally one would have expected loading of libraries to be
orthogonal to this, but perhaps MS have overridden the usual .dll
loading mechanism and are doing something odd.

The only likely room for an OSG bug would be in the build system and
not linking osgSim.lib/dll as required.  From the sound of it it does
look like a MS bug of kind though.


On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 12:45 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
>  I think I can now shed some more light on this problem, and perhaps I have 
> found a potential bug.
>  In the last update to this issue I had tracked the problem down to something 
> to do with osgSim not wanting to load as a dependency of osgDB_ive.dll - and 
> osgDB_flt.dll.  On further investigation I think this is ultimately the 
> issue. If in my ActiveX control I force an explicit, fully qualified dynamic 
> load to osgSim, and then try saving as an ive file, everything is fine and 
> all works. However, if I don't force the explicit load, the save fails as the 
> plugin dlls for the ive format fails to load because it fails to load the 
> osgSim dll.
>  In order to get around this issue I forced an explicit linkage to osgSim in 
> my activeX control - merely by creating and deleteing an osgSim::LightPoint 
> object. The ActiveX control subsequently needed to link to osgSim, and hence 
> when the control starts, osgSim is loaded - not as part of the plugin process 
> , but as a consequence of the control loading up. When I now save as an ive 
> file everything is fine.
>  Clearly there is an issue, with osgSim loading as a consequence of a plugin, 
> rather than an explicit linkage. Any thoughts ?
>  Neil
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