HI Jim,

There are limits with the time of threading you can do with cameras
that share the same graphics context - the draw traversals has to be
single threaded for each camera's rendering, this applies to FBO's as
well as normal rendering to a graphics window.

You should be able to still run multi-threaded if you have multiple
graphics contexts, but the osgdistortion example just uses on graphics
context, and multiple FBOs.  The example should be able to run
DrawThreadPerContext or CullThreadPerCameraDrawThreadPerContext, if it
can't perhaps there is something about the example that isn't thread
safe, I am the author so "should" know, but alas don't recall the
details off the top of my head.

When I get some time I'll change the osgdistortion example to allow
other threading models and see what happens.


On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 8:15 PM, Jim Terhorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I am having some difficulty getting FrameBufferObjects to work with
>  multithreading.   My application is very close to the osgdistortion
>  example.  I noticed that osgdistortion was forcing itself into single
>  threaded operation.  When i run it, multi-threaded  I get frame buffer
>  object errors from RenderStage::drawInner saying that there is an fbo
>  problem, the FBO status is 0x8cd7, which is
>  Is this a known problem?  Does anyone know of a workaround?  Does anyone
>  have experience using FrameBufferObjects with multi-thread'ing?
>  Thanks in advance,
>  jim t
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