HI Art,

As osg::GraphicsContext "has a" osg::State object, while the
Viewer/Composite class "has a" collections one or more
GraphicsContexts virtue of the Cameras that they maintain.  The viewer
classes have a convenience method getContexts(ViewerBase:Contexts&)
which you can use to get the contexts. i.e.

  Viewer::Contexts contexts;
  for(Viewer::Contexts::iterator itr = contexts.begin();
       itr != contexts.end();
      osg::GraphicsContext* context = *itr;
      osg::State* state = context->getState();
      // do with me what you will

On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 3:39 PM, Art Tevs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
>  imagine I have a class derived from osgViewer::Viewer.
>  No I need the correct osg::State to apply something.
>  Where to get it from?
>  1. One solution could be:
> dynamic_cast<osgViewer::Renderer*>(getCamera()->getRenderer())->getSceneView(0)->getState();
>  however this state seems not to be initialized and I
>  have manually to call the initializeExtensionProcs()
>  method. And this seems not to be elegant solution.
>  2. Second solution could be:
>  _currentContext->getState();
>  however _currentContext seems to be NULL during the
>  run of osgViewer::Viewer.
>  Hence where to get the correct state from? I do not
>  have any SceneView or similar things defined, just the
>  customized viewer.
>  Best regards,
>  Art
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