HI Anders,

It isn't possible just to remap the Vec3 typedef from Vec3f to Vec3d,
as you have found the their are many places that explicitly rely on
floats.  Places like BoundingBox and BoundingSphere could potentially
be moved across to use Vec3d rather than Vec3f, and the way to do this
would be to use a local vec_type typedef.  This type of change is best
done locally, as has been done with other similar classes such as
Plane and LineSegment that now do this.

General conversion to using double versions is a bad thing w.r.t
rendering, and general performance, not from double maths, but rather
memory footprint of double vector data and the inability of OpenGL
drivers/hardware to handle double data without converting to floats.
The thing to do is to keep all vertex data destined for OpenGL in
floats, and just keep high level scene graph objects in doubles where
required for precision.

In the case of managing whole earth databases, almost all of the work
I have done in the past year has been in this area, here I use
MatrixTransform's to place geometry in a local coordinate frame into
its final ECEF coordinate frame.  The OSG's Camera's view matrix is
all in doubles, and the cull traversal accumulates all matrices from
the camera right down to the geometry leaves in doubles so keep
precision for as long as possible.  Only when the final matrices are
passed to OpenGL does precision get lost, but generally the errors are
subpixel by this stage thanks for the tiles local to the viewer having
a relatively small modelview matrix translation, and far tiles which
do have greater translation and hence high values and more error are
further away so the errors are relatively the same - still subpixel so
you don't see any jitter.

You physics engine integration would be best to use the same approach,
keep local origins and transforms to place this in ECEF.


On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 11:11 AM, Anders Backman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all.
> Im +working in a project where we are rendering objects on Center of Earth
> (ECC) so we have a z-coordinate of 6.7E6Meters.
> So obviously we need to transform objects close to origo to be able to
> render them.
> I noticed that I got quite a few anomalies in the rendering,
> flickering/jumping objects.
> This probably comes from that I do some custom OpenGL rendering in a
> Drawable, where I update the bounding box of the drawable.
> In this update of the bounding box, I have the large translation built in,
> so the BoundingBox will contain the 6.7E6 coordinates and this obvious
> affects the resolution of the float used everywhere in BoundingBox
> calculations...
> So I wanted to use double for this, but this caused quite a lot of problems
> during build because its more or less hardcoded that Vec3f is default:
> To avoid this, I would have to apply this translation above the Drawable,
> instead of sending the matrix to my custom drawable (where I do
> glMultMatrix()).
>  Now as this transformation is a result of a Physical simulation (in the ECC
> coordinate space) its not that trivial to get to the result I want, it would
> more or less require me to get the transformation for each simulated object
> and multiply with the inverse before sending it to the rendering. This is of
> course possible, but I was wondering if it would be possible to switch to
> Vec3d implementation of Vec3 using for example a flag in CMake?
> I guess all the Vec3Array etc, is still depending on Vec3f for OpenGL
> compatibility so in theory it would be possible.
> But in BoundingBox for example float is used explicitly for
> getMin()/getMax() etc..
> Here is the beginning of the list of compilation errors I got when I tried
> to change Vec3 to Vec3d (in the Vec3 header file):
> 2>C:\projects\algoryx\agx_dependencies\OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/Array(458)
> : error C2535: 'void osg::ValueVisitor::apply(osg::Vec3 &)' : member
> function already defined or declared
>  2>
> C:\projects\algoryx\agx_dependencies\OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/Array(444) :
> see declaration of 'osg::ValueVisitor::apply'
> 2>C:\projects\algoryx\agx_dependencies\OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/Array(492)
> : error C2535: 'void osg::ConstValueVisitor::apply(const osg::Vec3 &)' :
> member function already defined or declared
>  2>
> C:\projects\algoryx\agx_dependencies\OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/Array(480) :
> see declaration of 'osg::ConstValueVisitor::apply'
> 2>C:\projects\algoryx\agx_dependencies\OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/BoundingBox(82)
> : error C2440: 'return' : cannot convert from 'osg::Vec3d::value_type' to
> 'float &'
> 2>C:\projects\algoryx\agx_dependencies\OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/BoundingBox(85)
> : error C2440: 'return' : cannot convert from 'osg::Vec3d::value_type' to
> 'float &'
> 2>C:\projects\algoryx\agx_dependencies\OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/BoundingBox(88)
> : error C2440: 'return' : cannot convert from 'osg::Vec3d::value_type' to
> 'float &'
> 2>C:\projects\algoryx\agx_dependencies\OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/BoundingBox(91)
> : error C2440: 'return' : cannot convert from 'osg::Vec3d::value_type' to
> 'float &'
> 2>C:\projects\algoryx\agx_dependencies\OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/BoundingBox(94)
> : error C2440: 'return' : cannot convert from 'osg::Vec3d::value_type' to
> 'float &'
> 2>C:\projects\algoryx\agx_dependencies\OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/BoundingBox(97)
> : error C2440: 'return' : cannot convert from 'osg::Vec3d::value_type' to
> 'float &'
> 2>C:\projects\algoryx\agx_dependencies\OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/Plane(222)
> : error C2535: 'int osg::Plane::intersect(const std::vector<_Ty> &) const' :
> member function already defined or declared
>  ...
> --
> ________________________________________________________________
>  Anders Backman               Email:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  HPC2N/VRlab                  Phone:    +46 (0)90-786 9936
>  Umea university              Cellular: +46 (0)70-392 64 67
>  S-901 87 UMEA SWEDEN         Fax:      +46 90-786 6126
>                                http://www.cs.umu.se/~andersb
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