Hi Neil,

I don't know Creator myself either, but I would have thought that it
supports some of the export routes that the OSG has - COLLADA and .obj
are two there there is a chance it'd support.  Perhaps others with
Creator itself will be able to answer it.

As mentioned in another thread recently there is always 3rd party
tools like Polytrans.


On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 11:07 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
>  Sorry for the noise. In part I couldn't remember what I'd asked before, but 
> also the emphasis of my request was slightly different in that, as I don't 
> know creator at all and don't even have the application, I don't know what 
> other formats it can take in. I do, however, have a client who needs to get 
> models into that package. I was merely asking whether there was an 
> alternative route to getting an osg scene into creator - even via a third 
> party if necessary - so that I could at least get something for my client 
> whilst the OSG pluggin was being developed further by Paul.
>  I shall assume, from your response, that there isn't really an alternative 
> that I can take, and I shall await the release of the new pluggin from Paul.
>  Once again, sorry for the noise.
>  Kind regards
>  Neil.
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