Hi Gordon,

On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 4:22 PM, Gordon Tomlinson
>  Could not wait until Monday so I came in to work test your suggestion ;)
>  Setting the data variance to dynamic seems to have fix the issue, one to
>  remember

The requirement for setting Drawables and StateSets DataVariance to
DYNAMIC when modifying them during the frame (i.e. via update or event
callback) has been introduced as a means controlling the overlap
between the rendering of the previous frame and the update,cull and
draw traversals of the next so that rendering objects aren't modified
at the same times as they are read from.  This is only required in
DrawThreadPerContex and CullThreadPerCameraDrawThreadPerContext
threading models.

Prior to osgViewer/2.x the scene graph + Producer never allowed this
level of parallelism so the frames never overlapped - and there was
never an issue with the scene graph being modified at the same time as
its been read from.  You can still use the old Producer style
threading model by select CullDrawTheadPerContext which is equivalent
to Producer's ThreadPerCamera.  One thing to note is that Producer
only did ThreadPerCamera when there was one Camera per RenderSurface,
so in effect its ThreadPerRenderSurface or in OSG 2.x speak is
(CullDraw)ThreadPerContext, however if you have more than one Camera
per RenaderSurface in Producer it drops down to SingleThreaded, which
osgViewer still keeps threading CullDrawThreadPerContext.

The upshot of these different threading models is that 2.x/osgViewer
by default more multi-threaded than the conterpart of 1.x/osgProducer,
and as a consequence one does have to take care about the rules of
modification have enhanced with it.  There has been lots of discussion
about osgViewer and its threading model over the past year so I'd
recommend doing a search for some of the above threading models in the
osg-users archives.

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