On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 4:42 PM, Jason Beverage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Overall though, does the approach I'm suggesting with using the
> UpdateCallback and the Hud Camera to get around my intersection problems
> sound reasonable or am I overcomplicating things?

It sounds like overcomplicating to me, the more complicated the more
difficult it'll be to debug, and even harder for anyone else to be
able to try and get their head around what you are doing.  Given you
are using an older version of the OSG it makes it a next to impossible
task to support.

OSG-1.2 does support double Matrices by default, so I would have
though  as MatrixTransform above the text labels
would get you most of the way.  You could try look for where the
precision issue is arising and tweaking the OSG to use doubles to help

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