On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 3:46 PM, Raphael Sebbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think Apple works pretty well with standards and open-source generally.
> And OpenGL is no exception. I even think that Apple supporting OpenGL is a
> good thing for both OpenGL and Apple dev communities.

Like the way Apple support OpenGL under Quicktime only under Apple,
but only DirectX under Quicktime under Windows.. Is this just a favour
to MS?  Why the allergy to supporting cross platform multi-media apps
based on OpenGL???

Also like deprecating C api's over Objective C ones...

Apple is great at creating a whole environment that its totally tied
to just OSX.   To me standards adopted by Apple are the ones that are
adopted when its convenient means of bringing new developers in rather
promoting true portability.

In this OpenGL example we have a case of embracing OpenGL, then
extending it in non standard and non portable ways.  Its a one way
process, making it easy to port to OSX, but far harder to port back
out once you start adopting the platform specific extensions.

One really does need a healthy scepticism when writing any software
that is going to be successful.  Successful software *wants* to live
forever,  successful software *begs* to be used by a wide range of
users.  With the twist and turns of the computer industry you need to
be light footed, and not step in any boggy ground otherwise you're
feet get stuck and you end up able to move, and unable to adapt to
changing needs of hardware, software and users.  If you want you
software to be successful one of the skills is to looking for boggy
ground, might my next step be such a step that in few weeks, months,
years I might regret it?

As for this particular extension, it really doesn't meet the criteria
of potential gain for the effort and collateral damage it make.  The
collateral damage is added complexity, greater maintenance burden and
heavier developer load.  The potential gain?  We'll these days we are
hardly dispatch limited are we?  There are very few OSG apps that will
be dispatch limited, even less know that we can thread update and cull
in parallel with draw dispatch.   The likelyhood is you'd see no
difference in performance for the vast majority of application,
including on the Mac.

Far better to spend you time optimizing bits of the OSG or come up
with more efficient rendering algorithms/scene graph organizations.
These are optimizations that can make real differences to bottlenecks
that apps are likely to have and they can benefit all platforms, and
all users.

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