Hi Virginia,

The inheritance of state is done dynamically during the cull
traversal, its not embedded in the scene graph.

If you want the effect of state inheritance you'll need to accumulate
the state yourself.  StateSet has a merge function that can help you
with this.


On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 4:47 PM, Virginia Holmstrom
> I am trying to export osg to a vrml2 file. I am using a node visitor and am 
> trying to retrieve the material properties from the node. I am using 
> StateSet->getAttribute to retrieve the state attribute for a specific node. 
> However, to the best of my understanding, this attribute does not incorperate 
> any settings inherited from its ancestors. Is it always necessary to collect 
> information as the ancestors are traversed to find the current combined state 
> attribute for a specific node? Or is there a better way?
>  Thank you,
>  Virginia
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