Hi Jeremy,

This type of usage isn't one that has been coded into osgText::Text,
which is why your not finding it easy to extract the data in a way you
need.  The route you have picked seems reasonable, but I haven't tried
such a task myself so can't say.


On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 7:19 PM, Jeremy Moles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a standard/preferred way to iterate over every "character" in
>  an osgText instance in order to query information about it's location,
>  etc? I'll need to be able to do this for osgWidget--in particular, to be
>  able to position a "cursor" properly within a bit of text. I have the
>  following code:
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------
>  const osgText::Text::TextureGlyphQuadMap& tgqm =
>         _text->getTextureGlyphQuadMap();
>  const osgText::Text::TextureGlyphQuadMap::const_iterator tgqmi =
>         tgqm.begin();
>  const osgText::Text::GlyphQuads& gq = tgqmi->second;
>  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < gq.getGlyphs().size(); i++) {
>         osg::Vec2 c2 = gq.getCoords()[i];
>         osg::Vec3 c3 = gq.getTransformedCoords(0)[i];
>  }
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------
>  In the above code, should c2 and c3 be sufficient for this purpose? They
>  don't appear to contain the values I "expect", but this is almost
>  certainly because I'm misusing it...
>  Also, this may be one of the things you'll be recoding in osgText when
>  the time comes, so perhaps it may be best for me to simply wait until
>  then before tackling this issue.
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