Hi Jason,

If each Camera triggers the creation of RenderStage then the pre/post
draw callbacks
will be called once per Camera.   As Mathias mentioned a Nested Camera doesn't
trigger a creation of its own RenderStage, rather just reuses the
existing one and doesn't
override anything about this RenderStage.


On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Jason Ziglar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does this imply that the PreDrawCallback is only called once per render
> stage? If I have multiple cameras, each with a separate callback, do they
> all get called at once, or do they get called just each one performs it's
> rendering?
> If they all get called at once, how would I go about having each one have a
> function call just before they draw? I'm trying to update a set of textures
> just before each camera performs a render pass, so they all use the same
> shader, but with different textures.
> Mathias Fröhlich wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Thursday 08 May 2008 20:00, Jason Ziglar wrote:
>>> I've got a camera which is part of my scene graph, and for some reason
>>> it doesn't appear to be getting called to render part of the scene.
>>> The camera is set to be a NESTED_RENDER, and has a PreDrawCallback. The
>>> callback never gets called, nor does it appear to have any rendering
>>> output that I can see. I have tested to verify that the camera is a
>>> child of the root node, and the primary camera and a PRE_RENDER camera
>>> are both working as expected. Is there any subtleties to getting a
>>> NESTED_RENDER camera to activate?
>> Well, the pre draw callcack only gets called when you get a new render
>> stage through that camera. And this does *not* happen for nested cameras. To
>> get a render stage you will need to set the camera type to pre render or
>> post render. Then the callback gets called.
>> There are much more properties in the camera that are a noop when the
>> camera does not lead to a new render stage in the rendering backend. The
>> clear mask and clear color for example. I do not know which ones exactly
>> without looking into the code, but if you have a nested camera you must be
>> extremely careful with the values you try to use in the camera. Many of them
>> will only have an effect if the camera os *not* a nested one.
>> So, if you know the internals of the rendering backend well, the camera
>> works relatively intuitive. But if you don't, it's very hard ...
>> Good luck
>> Mathias
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