On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 4:09 PM, Wojciech Lewandowski
> Thanks for testing Everyone.
> This shows that problem is wider and not limited to windows. It looks like
> GL objects visitor in Renderer thread started by Viewer:: Realize may ovelap
> with first updateTraversal. I guess its turn for Robert move ;-)

I don't know yet the cause of this failure to block while the
GLCompileObjects is running, the code certaininly looks like it should
block to me.  I wonder if perhaps the double buffering of SceneView
and all its associated data is causing some issues.

Personally I'm not yet at point where I throw lots of time into this
topic - I've basically burned 4 days just getting on top of support
and submissions that have accumulated since I left to do training, I
do actually need to get on and do some paid work, right now support is
mounting as quickly as I'm trying to clear it.

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