Hi Heishuijing,

Please do a search through the archives on this topic, you'll find
lots of queries about it, and lots of response along the lines, MS's
memory tracker is broken and reports false positives - there is no
memory leak, just MS buggy code wasting your time.


2008/5/12 heishuijing_2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> hello,
>      My osg version is 2.4,and i use VS2005 in windowsXP. When i run the
> osgMFC example in debug mode,i found that there are memory leak when the
> window is closed,the message in the VS2005 is below:
> Detected memory leaks!
> Dumping objects ->
> {3078} normal block at 0x02054A28, 32 bytes long.
>  Data: <WGL_EXT_framebuf> 57 47 4C 5F 45 58 54 5F 66 72 61 6D 65 62 75 66
> {3077} normal block at 0x020549B8, 48 bytes long.
>  Data: < H  hD   A      > 18 48 05 02 68 44 05 02 F8 41 05 02 00 00 00 00
> {3075} normal block at 0x02054958, 32 bytes long.
>  Data: <WGL_ARB_buffer_r> 57 47 4C 5F 41 52 42 5F 62 75 66 66 65 72 5F 72
> ...............................
>       There are so many memory leak. I just don't know how i can do with it.
> Who can help me with it? Thank you!
>      Best regards!
>      2008.05.12
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