Hi Sebastien,

The Drawable method you are look for is:

        /** Return OpenGL display list for specified contextID. */
        inline GLuint& getDisplayList(unsigned int contextID) const {
return _globjList[contextID]; }

However, your usage model so sounds rather outside the usage for the
OSG, users don't normally
ever need to access values such as display lists ID as this is all
managed behind the scenes for you.
I know almost nothing about your specific needs or app so can't say
whether what you are doing
is appropriate or not, but all I can say is its sounds atypical and as
such you may well hit lots of
gotchas, and using the OSG how its meant to be used might well be far
more productive.


On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 4:30 PM, Sebastian Knödel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
>  I would like to obtain the display list ID of a geometry and use them
> inside my own CSG tool.
>  Then I would like to render the result of the CSG process, which are also
> display lists.
>  The main purpose of using OpenSceneGraph would be to manage my scene, like
> to load data, manage the transformations, interaction, dispaly setups,
> shader etc.
>  I had a look at the documentation to see if there is an interface that
> allows me to obtain the generated dispalylist IDs from a geometry, but I
> couldn't find anything similar.
>  I figured out that I can obtain a contextID from the current OpneGL state.
> but I'm not sure if that is what I'm looking for.
>  Thanks for any comment.
>  Sebastian
>  --
>  Sebastian Knödel
>   --------------------------------------------------------
>   |    PhD. Student         |    [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |
>   |    Iparla Project       |     http://iparla.labri.fr    |
>   |    INRIA Bordeaux        |    Tel : (+33) 5 40 00 38 82 |
>   --------------------------------------------------------
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