Hi Cedric,

I'm open to make the d suffix optional.  It exits on all platforms
purely to keep things consistent, and in the case
with Windows one can't mix debug and release libs so one is really
forced into this nonsense so this is where the
convention was dictated from.


On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 4:06 PM, Cedric Pinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
>  I would like to build debug version of osg without "d" extension
> everywhere, here my case:
>  I build osg in release and debug in two separate directory, then when i
> want to debug my application i change
>  my library path, and then i rebuild the application.  So it works when i
> have no other lib that depends of osg. But when you link
>  with 2/3 library that depends on osg you have to rebuild each lib in debug
> and release version (because of "d" and "") or i just would like to build
> with release or debug and then select with a env variable wich version i
> want to use (and same thing with each lib if needed).
>  Maybe for windows you are forced to do that because of runtime difference,
> but not on gnu/linux. Could we just add a way to configure this in cmake
>  and we can use the "d" by default, then there is no change for people who
> dont care.
>  What do you think ?
>  Cedric
>  --
>  +33 (0) 6 63 20 03 56  Cedric Pinson mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://www.plopbyte.net
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