Hi Forest,

There isn't any OSG code in your example, so it is that you have a
stumbling block before
you even start trying to pass data to the osg::Image?

As for examples of setting up osg::Image have a look through the
various image plugins such
as src/osgPlusgins/rgb, png, tga etc.


2008/5/14 forest37 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  hello everyone,
>       I want to draw something in memory dc ,then convert the drawing to
> osg::Image.
>       I tried it like this:
>       CDC dc;
>       dc.CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
>       CBitmap bitmap;
>       bitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap (&dc, 100, 100);
>       CBitmap* pOldBitmap=dc.SelectObject(&bitmap);
>       dc.FillRect(&CRect(0,0,200,200),&CBrush(RGB(255,0,0)));
>       BITMAP bmp;
>       bitmap.GetBitmap(&bmp);
>       here,the bmp.bmBits is NULL because of DDB.
>     thanks for any advice
> forest
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