Hi Ben,

On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 8:28 AM, Ben Discoe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But no setTextureSize method.  So it seems like it would be very easy to add 
> it.  Is there some technical reason it's not there, or just an oversight?  If 
> oversight, may i implement and submit it?

The various ShadowTechniques have been developed independently by
different authors, and have been subject to different contribution
since their inception so differences have grown up between them - some
a natural part of their differing implementation details, others
simply down to features being added to some but not others that could
be equally served by it - ShadowTexture::setTextureSize being one of
them.  If you spot these inconsistencies please just highlight them,
and even better if you can do it implement the missing feature ;-)

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