On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 11:12 AM, David _ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We´re currently running both Windows XP and Windows Vista
> the performance drop is not very huge but it´s there.

The Windows files system is pretty crappy, and is known to have
problems with finding files
in directories with large numbers of similarly named files in it.
This is probably why you
are seeing a performance delta.

> We saw this drop while making some stress tests, with 16 islands and 20.000
> to 40.000 ive´s each one. The test did not represent any real situation, we
> just wanted to see how far we could go and i must admit that OSG did pretty
> well.

The OSG's database paging system and now VPB both scale to terabyte
sized database quite
comfortably so are very likely well within what the OSG can handle,
even under Windows.

> Don´t know what caused the problem, maybe having so many small files makes
> disk fragmentation go worse???? having so many opened files causes some kind
> of delay??? Maybe the test was a little to extreme??? no idea really, just
> guessing.

You have to ask Microsoft this question...

Or just move to an OS with a better file system(s).

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