Hi J-S,

On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 8:27 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay
> I'll do it, I'll do it! :-)


> (seriously, it's one of the things I have to do in the next few days for our
> own software, and I was planning on making it generic enough to factor out)
> A few questions before I embark on this.
> a) What should the strategy be for multiple windows, multiple screens,
> multiple graphics contexts? I was thinking of making the same handler be
> bindable to multiple cameras, so that with one key press you can
> (potentially) capture all cameras, or at least multiple cameras. Maybe also
> have it be bindable to a CompositeViewer, so it will automatically capture
> all its views' cameras. What do you think?

Ideally it'd be configurable - so you can capture particular camera's,
through to all cameras.  There is also the aspect of capturing the
window contents rather than just individual cameras.   Now managing
this through one API might be a little
tricky, I'm open to suggestiong.  Implementing a window capture is
also something that isn't best done via a Camera FinalDrawCallback,
and would be better tackled via a GraphicsOperation that is done just
before the SwapBuffersOperation. GraphicsContext's doesn't yet make
this very straight forward to manage though so we might need to tweak
the API in Graphics Context/GraphicsThread a little to make things
more controllable.

> b) What should the filename strategy be? Say I capture twice (two different
> frames), the second time, should I just check if the file exists and if so,
> tack on an incrementing integer at the end of the filename?

The filename is something that should be set by the application
developer.  One could also write the EventHandler so that its straight
forward to subclass/reuse components from so that developers can
implement the exact controls they want.

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