Hi Eric,

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 9:43 PM, Eric Sokolowsky
> I'm porting my application from OSG 1.2 using osgProducer::Viewer to OSG
> svn. Most of the port was straightforward, though I'm encountering some
> strangeness.
> My questions:
> 1. Is there a page on the wiki that covers porting OSG 1.2 to current OSG?
> I'd like to add some of my notes to that page if it exists.

Link to from the Document main page:


> 2. I am running under Linux (Centos 5.1) with Nvidia dual-head graphics.
> When I run my application without any --screen or --window, it fills up the
> left monitor but the viewport reports the size of both monitors. Is there a
> way to retrieve only the part of the X screen that is used by the OSG
> rendering?

This sounds like X11 is reporting sizes in an odd way, what should happen is the
viewer should open up full screen on each of the available screens.

I guess this could be a window manage bug.

FYI, you are the first to report such a problem under X11 so I'd guess
that there is something unusually about your setup.  Could explain
more about it.   On my system right now I have two X11 screens set up
on a single NVidia graphics card.  Previously I've also used a single
X11 screen spanning both mointors, the Xinerama extension can be used
for controlling where the windows opens up, but typically in this
setup I switch it off as I want a single screen for performance.

> 3. There is also something weird going on when using Producer camera config
> files with borderless windows, but I haven't pinned down the problem yet. Is
> anyone else using these successfully?

Could you provide the problem .cfg files?   When you say weird what do you mean?

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