Hi Glenn,

Vieewer::computeIntersections() won't work when you start using funky
stuff like RTT Cameras, you'll need to implement your of
IntersectVisitor/LineSegmentIntersector/PolytopeIntersector codes to
the do the scene intersections and use the RTT Camera's view and
projection matrix as a guide.  The osgpick and osgintersection
examples should be able to help guide you.


On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Glenn Waldron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I could please use some guidance with the following problem.
> I have a typical scene graph and a simple viewer setup. I can run
> Viewer::computeIntersections() on the scene and it works fine.
> Then I insert an RTT camera in order to render the graph to a texture. I
> then map the texture to a simple quad and then display this quad alone
> (using another Camera with an ABSOLUTE_RF reference frame and an ortho
> projection).
> I would to be able to run computeIntersections() on the original scene graph
> (which is now under the RTT camera) and have it work just as before. But I
> have not been able to figure out how to make it work. The RTT camera does
> not have a View, so I cannot call View::computeIntersections. I've tried
> going through the code in View but still have not been able to figure it
> out.
> I would welcome any pointers in getting this working. Hopefully I've
> explained it adequately.
> --
> Glenn Waldron : Pelican Mapping : http://pelicanmapping.com : 703-652-4791
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