Hi Per,

If the visual isn't supported then osg::createGraphicsContext(Traits*)
will return NULL, so if get a null back then
you can relax the Traits and try to create the context again.


On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 12:50 AM, Per Rosengren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I set multi sampling with the following code:
> ref_ptr< DisplaySettings > displaySettings = new DisplaySettings;
> displaySettings->setNumMultiSamples(16);
> displaySettings->setMinimumNumAlphaBits(8);
> modelView->setDisplaySettings( displaySettings.get() );
> If the graphics card does not support multi sampling, The program exits with
> this error message:
> Error: Not able to create requested visual.
> How can I make the program skip multi sampling and run without it if it is
> not supported?
> /Per
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