Hi Zoltan,

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 9:46 PM, Zoltán <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you forget one particular piece of open-source stuff, or
> more specifically Linux stuff: proprietary drivers and
> GPL !!!

I believe I left lots of details out.... even choice of OS :-)

Linux is the one I'm most familiar with though... so if one did go
with Linux one would have to look at the OpenGL driver situation.

> I've also read about a LiveCD distribution that provided 3D
> proprietary drivers out of the box for most hardware and
> that the GNU people attacked, and obliged to retract. That
> was because a distribution doesn't have the right to
> provide closed-source drivers in a GNU environment, and it
> is only possible if it is the user's *OWN PERSONAL* choice
> outside the GNU framework to do so. (I hope you understand
> what I try to explain, I'm no specialist in the area)

I suspect the mixing of binary drivers with the linux kernel needs to
be taken to court to get sorted out for once and for all.  I find it
pretty odd that its claimed by some not to be legal to distribute non
GPL'd drivers together with a GPL'd kernel, yet after installing a
GPL'd kernel then patching it with non GPL'd drivers is OK.  I guess
perhaps an interpretation of this situtation
is that the copying/distribution of binary of the patched kernel that
is not permitted, but if its compiled and ran locally then its not
copying.  I wouldn't have thought personal choice has anything to do
with it being legal or not, its the act of distribution that part that
will be covered by Copyright/GPL.

Automating this kernel module recompile is some thing one could do on
install I guess... as this would avoid the strict binary distribution
of a patched kernel.

However, the ideal is that open source drivers will match the quality
of the proprietary drivers in the near future, this will clear up any
ambiguities, it'll also give use middleware/app developers a chance to
fix bugs that creep into drivers.  I'd guess there are plenty of
people on this list capable of digging into an OpenGL driver and
groking how it worked,  I already know that some did just this in a
previous life...

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