Hi Matthew,

If you release the mouse button while moving the mouse then the
Trackball and TerrainManipulators will interpret this as a throw.   So
users find this really natural, others find it awkward to get used to.

Right now there isn't any options built into the these manipulators
for switching off the the throw support, but you are welcome to add a
bool member and a set/get method to switch on/off this feature.  You
do this by subclassing, or just modifying the core classes and then
sending me the changes for inclusion into the core OSG.


On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 4:21 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, using the default camera mouse controls.  Left click and drag rotates
> the camera, but you can kinda "throw" the camera if you drag and release
> quickly.  Can I get some advice on how to prevent that?  I guess can anyone
> tell me which "GUIEventHandler" does the viewer default to…is it Trackball?
> Finally to enhance camera mouse control I would expect to subclass from one
> of the MatrixManipulator classes and override the controls…sound right?
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