Hi Roman,

On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 9:10 AM, Роман Григорьев <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi I try to implement cellular automata clouds on OSG and have some problem
> 1) I can't use (or don't know)  ping-pong rendering technique as described
> here http://www.m3xbox.com/GPU_blog/?m=200712
> Because when I attach 2 textures to camera FBO in rendering loop camera
> render to 2 FBO but I need to change dynamically which draw buffer I need to
> draw/ I've red about RenderStage but how to control it is unclear for me.
> I've make a workaround that create another camera that render FBO texture to
> another FBO texture that can I attach in 1 stage to calculate cellular
> automata.

The core OSG doesn't support ping pong rendering out of the box right
now.  For this we'd need to have multiple osg::Camera sharing the same
FrameBufferObject.   Right now you could try sharing the same
RenderCache (which is actually a RenderStage) but this is not what you
actually need - you need seperate RenderStages, each sharing the same

Evolving the OSG's RTT support to support ping pong rendering is
something we can discuss.

The other route would be to write a custom node or cull callback that
does the same job as osg::Camera w.r.t RTT, but does all the set up of
the separate RenderStage and sharing of FBOs.  There is a chance that
the osgPPU library does something like this already.

> 2) I'd like to do RTT rendering not in every frame. But As I understand OSG
> create rendercashe to strore rendering order how can I dynamically attach
> and remove camera from rendering order?

You can control whether a Camera is rendered by toggling it's
NodeMask, by setting it to 0x0 you switch it off.  Another alternative
is to use an osg::Switch above the Camera(s).

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