Hi Serge,

On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 6:20 PM, Serge Lages <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am porting a project from OSG 2.3 to the latest SVN and I have a problem
> with particles. I use ParticleSystems to make a custom smoke effect, but
> with the latest SVN my smoke don't stop to flicker.

Skipping stable releases completely, great stuff :-)

> To have the same behavior as before I have to revert the changes on
> ParticleSystem.cpp from the 17 march :
> "Introduce osgParticle::ParticleSystem::s/getParticleScaleReferenceFrame()
> to
> help manage the scaling of particles, whether they should be relative to the
> local coordiante frame of the particle system, or be in world coordinates."
> Any hint on what to do to have my particles working as before without
> reverting these changes ? Is it a possible bug, or do I need to set new
> things ?

The intention of this code is that with defaults things would work as
before so if
things aren't then its a bug on the OSG side.  I guess there could be
an issue on your side w.r.t
assumptions of how things work, however, since I don't know anything about your
code save for it now being broken I can't really provide much guidance.

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