Hi Stephane,

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 4:02 PM, Stephane Lamoliatte
> Robert, don't you think this feature could be done by some kind of custom
> osgFX::Effect node ?

You could probably write a custom node that overrides the cull
callback and post processes/rebuild the StateGraph it's generated.  I
don't think this is an example of a osgFX::Effect though, such as
class might belong in osgFX though.

It might still be most efficient to tailor CullVisitor to do the
remapping of the StateSet, such as by tweaking the pushStateSet
method, that currently looks like:

        inline void pushStateSet(const osg::StateSet* ss)
            _currentStateGraph = _currentStateGraph->find_or_insert(ss);
            if (_numberOfEncloseOverrideRenderBinDetails==0 &&
ss->useRenderBinDetails() && !ss->getBinName().empty())
                _currentRenderBin =

One could possible add a check against an internal map of StateSet
inside this function.  The only draw back to adding this into
CullVisitor is that it'd add an extra bool check to see if one needed
to do the look up.  i.e.

        inline void pushStateSet(const osg::StateSet* ss)
            if (_doStateSetSubstituion)
                 StateSetMap::iterator itr = _statesetSubsitutionMap.find(ss);
                 if (itr!=  _statesetSubsitutionMap.end()) ss =
            _currentStateGraph = _currentStateGraph->find_or_insert(ss);
            if (_numberOfEncloseOverrideRenderBinDetails==0 &&
ss->useRenderBinDetails() && !ss->getBinName().empty())
                _currentRenderBin =

The custom node would then populate the push and pop
_statesetSubsitutionMap settings in its cull traversal.

Feel free to experiment with such an implementation and it works out
send it in to osg-submissions for consideration as
part of the core OSG.

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