Hi Manu,

I don't have an answer.  Perhaps it's numerical precision issue.

Could you try out the osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor +
LineSegmentIntersector to see if it exhibits the same behaviour?


On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 10:04 AM, Emmanuel Roche
> Hi everyone,
> I've got a quite strange error here:
> when I'm doing collision tests (using an osgUtil::IntersectVisitor object)
> then I get the warning:
> Warning: Picked up error in TriangleIntersect
>   (-1 0 -1,  -1 0 1,  1 0 1 )
>   (nan,  nan, nan)
> I checked the code in InterectVisitor.cpp, and I real don't get how there
> can be an error here... the strange think is, this error seems to only
> happen when the start point of my segment ( saved in the "_s" variable in
> the TriangleIntersect object apparently) is only on the Y axis... (ie:
> something like (0.0, 673.328, 0.0 ). Could this be a known bug or do you
> think I missed something ?
> By the way, I'm still using OSG 2.2, and this error happens the same way on
> both Windows and linux versions of my program. Any idea ?
> Manu.
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