Hi Valary,

Don't use setImage from within your frame loop until you are switching
between some fixed memory like the xine-lib plugin does.

It's better to update the data stored in the Image directly and call
dirty, or to allocate the image memory separately and disable the
deletion of the data on the image so the osg::Image(Stream) never
calls delete on the data.


On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 12:14 PM, Валерий Быков <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, but there are next difficulty: I use function setImage for setting
> new image in my thread, and this function deletes old image when it sets
> new image. Therefore if updating thread updates image while main thread
> updates texture then... segmentation fault.
> In this case I must not to delete old Image for some time, but I don't
> know how much time exactly. It depends on speed of copying image to
> texture and on moment when texture starts updating...
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