HI GuYe,

>     the different between --LOD and --PagedLOD when using osgdem

An LOD bases database stores the whole database in a single scene
graph and associate file.

PagedLOD databases are broken up into a quad tree hierarchy of tiles,
which are paged in at runtime.  PagedLOD databases scale extremely
well - VPB/OSG runtime now scales to multiple terabyte databases

>     the different between --compressed and --RGBA-compressed when using
> osgdem

--compressed will use RGB internal format, while RGBA-compressed with
use.... I leave that to you to guess...

VPB is set up to generate good databases out of the box, unless you
have really strong reason not to use the defaults just use them as
altering the values may well do more harm than good in terms of the
final output.

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