Hi Michele,

The OSG does view frustum culling by default, you have to explictly
turn it off.  The same applies to small feature culling it's on by

As for your FPS not changing when objects move off screen, is vsync?

Hows about enabling OSG stats?  This will tell you what the bottleneck.

Also with your scene graph, make sure you build a quad tree to store
all those billboards, and avoid large flat node contains lots of


On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 3:01 PM, Michele Bosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a scene with 4000 billboarded quads to display and I just
> noticed that OSG might not perform frustum culling on them since Fraps
> tells me that the FPS remains the same even when many of those quads
> are out of the screen.
> Is there a way to enable frustum culling? or maybe OSG doesn't perform
> frustum culling for small/simple objects?
> I am currently using OSG 2.2 / WinXP / MinGW and the application I am
> using manages the camera with a Trackball manipulator, in case this
> has anything to do with the problem...
> Thanks,
> Michele
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