Hi all,

I'm having some issues regarding OcclusionQueryNode. I draw an object as a set of faces and a set of edges, and I can't seem to get OQN to deal with both as a single entity, resulting in an artifact where for a fixed camera position the object becomes intermittent (disappears, then reappears on the next cycle, and so on). I reckon once either faces or edges are occluded the other set has enough room to render itself, but in turn occludes the former, or something along those lines; just my guess, though. The setup is as simple as an OQN over a node that reads a .osg file with two children geodes (said sets).

Note that while finding a solution to this would be great my problem is even simpler. All I'm trying to do is use the existing implementation of OQN to determine whether an object is visible or not, and then display or hide a label attached to it but on a different renderbin (over both objects and scene). The object's geometry is very simple and I don't really care for "occluding" it, I'd just like the number of pixels drawn (or a binary output like getPassed()). Is it possible to turn occlusion off while preserving this behaviour? (A threshold of 0 doesn't seem to work.) I've looked through the code a few times but I'm having a hard time with it. :(

Thanks in advance,
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