I'm currently trying to render infinite shadow volumes in OSG using
the GL_NV_depth_clamp extension. This extension disables the near and
far clipping planes on nVidia graphics cards. I've tried both using
setMode() on the stateset associated with my shadow volume geode and
calling glEnable() in the shadow volume's drawImplementation, and
neither case works. Checking glIsEnabled(DEPTH_CLAMP_NV) is returning
true. Is there some interaction between OpenSceneGraph and extensions
I'm not aware of that is preventing this from working? Has anyone used
depth clamping succesfully in OSG?

I've tested this against OpenSceneGraph 2.2 and 2.4 on both a Quadro
FX 3500 and a GeForce FX 7900, and in both cases the geometry is being
clipped by the far clipping plane... The only alternative I can see is
to use an infinite view frustum instead, but that comes with its own
brand of problems...

-Chris B
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