Hello Robert,

We currently have a student doing a masters project at our company, and his job will be to improve the terrain algorithms in the Vortex toolkit (both for physical simulation and graphical representation). One aspect is generating terrain from a height field, which is what VPB does. Unfortunately, since we need to support dynamic terrain/height fields, and since we also need to do collision detection against it, we cannot use VPB directly and will have to re-do much of the work that is already in VPB.

I was wondering if you had any pointers to what strategies are used to generate the terrain. Any articles/papers? Both the actual geometry generation and the LOD strategies are of interest. The code is available for study but we're really looking for some high-level overviews of how it does its work and why those given tradeoffs were chosen.

Any information you provide would be helpful. Thanks in advance,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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