I have seen some examples, somewhere I think, where you could have one
texture on the lit side of an object and then have another texture on the
dark side.  I am thinking of the earth where you could see lights in cities
on the dark side.  Did I really see that somewhere or is that my

I have heard of using fragment shaders and it is something I would like to
learn more about.  Where can I find out about how to use "multi-pass
technique" and/or "register"?

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 12:13 AM, Ulrich Hertlein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello Rick,
>> Is there a way to use image maps with some of the other material
>> properties, like emission or specular or diffuse?  I am working on ...
> > how to use a reflection map, so I think I am ok there.  Any way to use a
> > map to define the emission, specularity, and diffuse amounts across a
> > surface?
> There's no easy way to specify the material component that a texture should
> affect (such as emissive, specular) in plain OpenGL.
> The way to go these days is a fragment shader.  You could also use a
> multi-pass technique to apply another texture.
> (Maybe register combiners offer something useful but I'm not sure about
> that.)
> Cheers,
> /ulrich
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>> Rick
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