Frank van Meurs wrote:
Hi Eric,

Thanks for the notification and I did indeed read that. I'd already
stopped hoping for a working Xcode project, seeing as the project provided
with the 2.5.5 release led to me fixing several errors and still lacking
working build. So, knowing a bit more by now, maybe i shouldn't have lost
faith that soon.

Yes, OSX is a big learning curve, even for someone familiar with Linux and other *nix distributions. I am relatively new to the OSX platform myself and am not an expert by any stretch, but I have learned a lot and helped improve the build on OSX to a useful point, at least for my own project. (The application I'm developing on OSX still has problems, but that's another story.) I know how frustrating it can be to have things not just work, and my work was designed to help with some of that frustration. Many of the improvements I made were placed in OSG just after you tried 2.5.5, in the run-up to the 2.6.0 release. There are still issues to be sure (the ones I'm aware of are enumerated in the README.txt), but I'm committed to helping with them.
However, useful as all your support may be, the OS X story has by now come
to an end for me. I'll (unfortuantely?) be fiddling around on windows in
the future.
This is unfortunate. There should be lots of people who can help you with issues on that platform. I am not one of them.


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