Hi Brad,

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 12:32 AM, Brad Huber <br...@procerusuav.com> wrote:
> I should mention that I've already been working on bringing OSG in to the
> existing app but haven't been had luck yet.  That's why I'm hoping someone
> can point me to any helpful info.

Mixing the OSG with an exisitng OpenGL graphics context that has it's
state being manipulated by existing OpenGL is awkward, but this is a
very different problem than just opening up an OpenGL window alongside
another OpenGL or D3D graphics context that doesn't share any state.

For mixing other OpenGL code and OSG within a single graphics context
is possible, many others have done it before you, but it is a bit
awkward, this isn't thread to discuss it though so I'll not dive in
any further.

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