Hi Li,

It's probably best not for 1:1 mapping of classes as items like
SceneHandlerList don't have an equivalent as there is no need to this
extra layer of abstraction.  osgUtil::SceneView is still available in
OSG-2.x, but most likely you won't need it at all as osgViewer is
built around osg::Camera/osg::View classes that expose the OSG
functionality that once was hidden by Producer's camera abstraction.

Have a look through the OSG examples to see how things are put
together.  Also have a look at the osg-users archives for discussion
on mapping from osgProducer to osgViewer.


On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 3:10 PM, Yinpeng Li
<mousquetaires.ghoste...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am currently porting code from OSG1.2 & Producer to OSG2.x, intending to
> use them with osgViewer library. Notwithstanding, there are several places
> where it is hard to find a replacement for the old code or classes...
> For example, what is the replacement of SceneView? And, what is the
> replacement of SceneHandlerList? If there are no such replacements, How can
> I circumvent these troubles? Thank you!
> Li Yinpeng
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