it would be greate to get see working osg with such high-end technology. may
you should use equalizer and openscenegraph doing this.


2009/2/4 ufuk gun <ufuk....@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I have to do a simulation project which needs 8 screens. This system likes
> a dome.
> so i want to ask few questions about this:
> 1) i want to use multiple gpu's. So is there a limit on number of gpu's on
> a pc? i saw 4 gpu's on a pc and every gpu has 2 outputs. can i render 8
> screen with viewer?
> 2) how can i set which gpu render which screen. is there an auto management
> system in viewer? if i have screens which have resolutions like 8x1280x1024
> or 4x2560x1024 or any other combination of this, should i do an extra thing
> for this?
> 3) do you think i will have a critical frame rate problem if i render 8
> screens.
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