Hi Christian,

If you're looking for a way to view terrain data on the fly without VPB
preparation, you can check out osgEarth at http://www.osgearth.org.  It has
a GDAL driver that should read your raster files and display them on the



On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 2:27 PM, Christian Sam <osgfo...@tevs.eu> wrote:

> hi
> i would like to get a better understanding of osg's various possibilities
> in terrain-visualization. currently i'm using osggis/virtualplanetbuilder to
> display georeferenced, common gis rasterfiles which work wonderful. but as
> an osg-newbie i also would like to know what are the approaches of basic
> terrain handling of osggis' underlying osg.
> what i know/suppose so far:
> * according to the "osgforest" example, the most basic method seems to be
> using osg::Geometry, attach a vertex-/texturecoord array and draw as indiced
> DrawElement primitiveset.
> * the other possibility seems to be osg:HeightField, which is less code
> than the above one, as well i can omit texturecoordinates (at least
> according to the example) because of its regular grid characteristic.
> what i would like to know:
> * are these assumptions right?
> * are there other terrain related possibilities?
> * i also have read about osgTerrain, but when i start the osgterrain
> example with an osgdem (--TERRAIN) generated dataset: "osgterrain.exe
> boston-sample\terrain\out.ive" i get the following message: "No model
> created, please specify terrain or master file on command line", so till yet
> i haven't got an impression what osgTerrain actually is/does.
> actually it is more important for me to get some information about
> osgTerrain itself, than to get this example running - but if it happens that
> someone knows why that application doesn't work it's okay too ;-)
> * is there an easy way or example on how to load terrain vertices from a
> dumb raster file (heightmap, like you use in many 3d modelling programs)
> directly to osg (without osgdem preparation)?
> thanks in advance,
> christian
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=7253#7253
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