Hi Terry,

I'm not sure if this is your issue, but make sure that any Geometry objects
you are rendering have a color array associated with them.  If you just
specify a vertex array for instance and forget to set a color array, you can
see that type of issue.



On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 5:32 PM, Terry Welsh <mogu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have one of those obscure state problems that's probably related to
> lazy state sorting.  Some of my objects on screen take the color of
> the text that is on screen.  If I comment out line 1732 in
> osgText/Text.cpp the problem goes away:
> //glColor4f(colorMultiplier.r()*_color.r(),colorMultiplier.g()*_color.g(),colorMultiplier.b()*_color.b(),colorMultiplier.a()*_color.a());
> I tried fixing the problem by adding state.haveAppliedMode(GL_COLOR);
> right after this line, but that has no effect.  Is there another way
> to fix this?
> --
> Terry Welsh  /  mogumbo 'at' gmail.com
> www.reallyslick.com  /  www.mogumbo.com
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