Ok, I m studying callback and nodevisitors from the OSG book these days and
I have some advance. :)

I have this class :

class FindNamedNode : public osg::NodeVisitor
    FindNamedNode( )
      : osg::NodeVisitor(  osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN ){}

    virtual void apply( osg::Node &node )
        traverse( node );

FindNamedNode *fn;
fn=new FindNamedNode();

// then I load my object here :
osg::Node* testenode;

When I  run the programm appears a list of nodes . The node names from
visitor that run on my object.This I understood. very good! :)
My doubt is, like I got the name of node, how do I get the total frame or
time of animationPath .
I see in .OSG file the animation path . I changed the loop to NO_LOOPING and
the object play onetime. very good too.But I still need to know the
animation time and later to check the current time.

Why I need this ?
I have to load a cellphone that user can interact .
then I have the cellphone closed  and only when the user click the animation
of cellphone openning ll play one time .
after the user can close the cellphone .
the animation of cellphone closing ll appear and play .
this can repeat many times the user wants .
for this I have to do something like a review and play to be sure that
animation dont break from one animated object to other.

I m seeing the examples but look like that dont have how I need. only have
animation done in program, not loaded from external file.

If you have other way to do this please say me.
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