
I am interested in WPF development as well.  I have been playing around with 
the C++/CLI example to make a managed window.  It seemed to work ok, except 
when I tried running it in Release mode, in which case it kept crashing, 
apparently with some memory corruption errors.

I am using a relatively new snapshot from SVN for my OpenSceneGraph library.  I 
have been using it in C++ for quite some time now with not too many problems 
(none that this great community has not helped with so far) :)

I also started playing with OsgDotNet wrappers, but when I run it, it crashes 
trying to create the osgShadow wrapper.  I noticed that it was made for OSG 
2.0, so I downloaded that, but the download I had seems to be missing osgViewer 
in the include directories.

I would love to know how you are able to get the DotNet stuff working, in one 
of these options.  

Thank you!


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