
I found the following on the NVIDIA developers site and thought it might be 
what you are looking for.

1) How do I start using OpenGL 3 in my code base?
In order to use OpenGL 3.0 and later versions, an application should "opt in" 
to use these versions. There is a new context creation call 
CreateContextAttribsARB (for WGL and GLX defined in the 
WGL/GLX_ARB_create_context extensions) that you should use in order to request 
a context that supports OpenGL 3.0, 3.1 or 3.2.

For OpenGL 3.2, and later versions, you additionally will have to indicate what 
profile you want the 3.2 context to support. Either the "Core" or the 
"Compatibility" profile.

Thank you!


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