Hi Andew,

DrawPixels is a real throwback to OpenGL of old and not something I
would recommend using these days - even the OpenGL drivers don't
support natively, and will just use a screen aligned quad.

You'll get better performance if you use a textured quad, and then
screen align it using an osg::AutoTransform, osg::Billboard or a
osg::Camera to set up a hud.


On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 12:11 AM, Andrew Cunningham
<o...@a-cunningham.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>  - The boundingBox() method of the osg::DrawPixels is implemented, but a bit 
> wacky as it is based purely on pixel dimensions and will in general be 
> completely wrong. This throws off camera bounding box calculations badly. For 
> example a 200x200 pixel image is given a BB of 200x200x200 units
> - Picking of a osg::DrawPixels()  is not implemented.
> does anyone have a working implementation for these functions?
> Basically I am drawing small 2D images at points on my 3D model and need to 
> be able to pick them.
> Thanks.
> Andrew
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=22960#22960
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