Hello Randy,

After installing, I don’t know how to set environment variable
”OSG_FILE_PATH” which should be the “sample” directory. Since I get only
4 files in installing directory——bin,include,lib,share,but with no
sample file.

See http://www.openscenegraph.org/projects/osg/wiki/Downloads/SampleDatasets

Download the OpenSceneGraph-Data-2.8.0.zip file, unzip it wherever you want (it can be in a "data" directory parallel to your bin, include, lib, share directories, for example) then set OSG_FILE_PATH to that directory, for example (on Windows):

set OSG_FILE_PATH=C:\OpenSceneGraph\data

If you want OSG_FILE_PATH to be set at the system level (so you don't need to set it each time you start a new command prompt) go to your system properties, Environment Variables button and set it there.

On Linux (bash), you'd type:

export OSG_FILE_PATH=/home/username/src/OpenSceneGraph/data

and you'd add that to your .bashrc for example.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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