Hello all,

I am new to OSG and I am having trouble implementing something in my 
scenegraph. Because my graph is a little complicated I will give you a simpler 
version of it focusing on the main concept. I have a scene with a model. This 
model consists of 3 submeshes. For each submesh I do three passes. These passes 
are the exact same for all submeshes. Here is the desired rendering order:
FirstMesh-pass1, FirstMesh-pass2, FirstMesh-pass3, SecondMesh-pass1, 
SecondMesh-pass2, ... etc
Any other rendering order won't work. (this is how the algorithm works)

Because the statesets and a lot of other nodes are the same I want to share 
them between my passes. Because of this, at the start of my graph I place 3 
osg::Cameras with different culling masks. And then I set different node mask 
to each of my submeshes. So, each camera will draw a different submesh. 

What I get is a very strange effect. Looks like it is something wrong with the 
depth buffer.  (keep in mind that depth test is enabled and depth writes are 
on). Looks like having multiple cameras drawing at the same viewport somehow 
does not work. Do I miss something? Most likely I just misuse the osg::Cameras 
or I don't really understand their concept. Looking the diagram and the code it 
is easy to figure out what exactly I want to do. Do you have any suggestion 
around this problem? Thanks a lot for your time.


PS: In the source code Imagine that the osg::Group named 'secondaryRoot' is a 
"black box" containing my 3 passes/renderbins

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