Hello all,

I have a problem regarding transparency and osg::Cameras. Because my main graph 
is very complex I will describe here a simplified version of the graph that 
produces the problem.

What I want as a result is three colored spheres. The middle should be opaque 
and the left and right should be transparent. And I do it like this: I have a 
main root osg::Group node with two child osg::Group nodes.  At the first one's 
StateSet I set the rendering hint to StateSet::TRANSPARENT_BIN. Then I just 
attach to it two osg::Geodes. At the second one I add as a child an osg::Camera 
and then I attach a osg::Geode on the camera. Take a look at the diagram 
picture to understand my graph.

The result I get is really strange and not the expected of course. I can not 
see the middle sphere through the transparent ones but I can see a transparent 
sphere through the other transparent one. Even if the middle opaque sphere is 
between them. (I can't see the opaque one at all through the transparent 
spheres) Take a look at the picture to understand the exact problem. Looks like 
the osg::Camera somehow breaks the rendering order. 

Now, the strange thing is that IF I use a osg::Group instead of the 
osg::Camera, then everything works! Any idea why is this happening? I have also 
attached my source code which is also available at this site:  

Thanks for your time guys!


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